Eight patent attorneys at Awapatent have passed this year’s European Qualifying Examination (EQE), earning them the title European Patent Attorney.These new European Patent Attorneys are authorized to represent Awapatent’s clients…
Awapatent launches another new service – Valuation
Intellectual property (IP) and intellectual assets (IA) account for a majority of the value in many companies. However, the valuation of IP/IA is difficult due to its complexity. Therefore, Awapatent…
Open IP – a new service from Awapatent
Awapatent now offers a new service within open innovation – Open IP. Open IP from Awapatent is a variety of services regarding the open innovation process – ranging from project…
Switzerland, Sweden and UK: the most innovative countries in the world
Global Innovation Index 2013, published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is now official. The index ranks 142 economies, using 84 different indicators showing both…
AWAipReview Newsflash: UPC rules of procedure – public consultation
Read the Newsflash here.
China most active trademark nation according to 2012 report
In Thomson Reuters 2012 Trademark Report, the top trademark trends are explored, painting a picture of the evolving trademark landscape. Topics covered are for example; the importance brand owners place…
Brand owners applying for top level domain seek their own constituency group
Brand owners that have applied with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for their brand’s top level domain (TLD) are seeking to create their own constituency group….
EPO ignites hope for relaxed divisional window
In 2010, the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation amended Rule 36, EPC, relating to the filing of divisional applications. According to amended Rule 36, any divisional applications must…
India enters international trademark system
India has entered the Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks at the World Intellectual Property Organization. India is the fourth fastest growing economy in the world, the second…
Awapatent highly recommended by IAM Patent 1000
Five patent attorneys from Awapatent are mentioned in the new ranking list IAM Patent 1000 – The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners 2013, which has been compiled by the magazine Intellectual…