
Brand Wars: China steps up to the plate against trademark squatters


For the past four decades, foreign companies have been confronted with Chinese trademark squatting. Trademark squatting, in which someone else registers your trademark, suddenly prevents you from using your brand in China. Causing massive headaches every year, foreign companies are often left with little choice but to cough up huge sums to buy back the...

From Borås to Mars: Oxeon’s Incredible IP Journey

Join us for this special webinar where we talk to AWA’s client Oxeon about its signature product TeXtreme® – a unique weaving technology from the composites industry, particularly used for producing carbon reinforcements. Fredrik Engdahl and Martin Jansson from AWA’s Gothenburg office will sit down with Andreas Martsman – Oxeon’s VP of Marketing & Sales....

China’s New Patent Law: Explaining Substantial Changes Years in the Making

Insufficient patent protection and enforcement in China has been a long-standing frustration not just for international but also domestic rights holders. After several rounds of revisions and years in the making – the revised PRC Patent Law entered into force on June 1, 2021. The fourth amendments bring substantial changes including the creation of a...