Trond Ramsvik
Trond is technically experienced in material technology, electronics, IT, renewable energy and offshore industry. He identifies, generates, and prosecutes patents in Europe, including software-related patents.
This further includes business-specific consulting, drafting patent applications, counselling concerning application examination, evaluating technological fields, and handling oppositions, infringement, and invalidity evaluations, as well as legal disputes. He has extensive experience managing global patent portfolios.
Trond completed the Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management programme at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) in 2024. The course focuses on understanding the economic environment and the factors influencing and mastering the development of business-based strategies for intellectual property rights.
Contact information
+47 97 50 91 99Email:
trond.ramsvik@awa.comVisiting address:
Extended profile
Trond has actively participated in legal proceedings before the European and US courts, gaining substantial experience in US and European patent litigation. This includes representing clients in complex IP cases, including oral proceedings.
He has served as an expert witness in IP cases on several occasions in Norway, offering expert opinions on various IP matters to support legal proceedings.
Trond shares his knowledge by delivering lectures on IP topics, particularly IP strategy, to private companies and national patent authorities, contributing to raising awareness about IP.
He has been a Board Member for several years, contributing to decision-making, strategy development, and organisational governance.
- Analyses & searches
- IP due diligence
- IP Strategy
- Litigation
- Oppositions
- Patents
- SEP (Standard Essential Patents)
- Cleantech & Sustainability
- Electronics
- Energy
- Inorganic chemistry
- Manufacturing & process technology
- Materials technology & nanotech
- Mechanics
- Software & IT
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Norwegian
Prior experience
- European Patent Attorney, Onsagers AS. 2012-2023
- Patent Attorney, Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, 2007-2012
- Scientific Fellow, CERN, 2004-2007
- Post. Doc., Paul Scherrer Institut, 2002-2004
- Diploma Engineer, NTNU, 1997-2001
- Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM), Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), University of Strasbourg, 2024
- PhD, Studies of catalytically active surfaces using High Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Physics, 2001
- M.Sc, Fundamental physics. Diploma work at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) at Radiation Protection Group involving both theoretical and experimental studies of possible release of radioactive elements to public, 1997
- European Patent Attorney