Simon Tropp Associate Patent AWA Lund, Sweden

Simon Tropp

Senior Associate, Patents
M.Sc. Theoretical Physics

Simon Tropp is a Patent Senior Associate in the Lund office attending the Trainee Program during 2022-2023. Simon obtained his M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics at Lund University in June 2022. He is experienced in both general and theoretical fields of physics and has also completed several courses in entrepreneurship and product development.

Contact information

Visiting address:

Ideon Gateway, Molekylvägen 10B 
223 63 Lund, Sweden

Extended profile

Simon completed his bachelor’s degree on the topic of Cellular Automata as a tool for studying life as a complex physical system. His master’s degree addressed the subject of Immunotherapy and the dynamics of cancer-immune cell interactions. During his time at Lund University, he was also the Head of Mentors in mathematics, where he coordinated and guided mentors to optimally assist their students.




  • Biotechnology
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Life sciences
  • Medtech
  • Software & IT
  • Telecom


  • English
  • Swedish


  • M.Sc. Theoretical Physics, Lund University, 2022.
  • B.S. General Physics, Lund University, 2020.