Mona Karlsson
Partner, European Patent Attorney, Authorised Swedish Patent Attorney
Mona Karlsson is a certified European Patent Attorney and certified Patent Attorney in Sweden specialising in the fields of Electronics, Mechanics, and Software & IT. She has completed her Tech. Licentiate at Chalmers in 1998 where her research concerned Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Displays. Prior to joining AWA in 2006, she worked as a project manager and clean room manager in the electronic production research group at Mid Sweden University.
Contact information
AWA Sweden AB
Visiting address:
Prästgatan 46
831 33 Östersund, Sweden
- Analyses & searches
- Design
- IP due diligence
- IP Strategy
- Licensing
- Patents
- Utility models
- Building & construction
- Cleantech & Sustainability
- Electronics
- Manufacturing & process technology
- Mechanics
- Software & IT
- Telecom
- English
- German
- Swedish
Prior experience
- Research Engineer and Clean room manager at Name Sweden University, 2001 – 2006
- Lecturer, Projekt manager, Mid Sweden University, 1998 – 2001
- Postgraduate Student; Chalmers University of Technology, 1994 – 1998
- Tech. Lic, Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, 1998
- Masters Degree, Electrical Engineering, Mid Sweden University 1994
- Bachelors Degree, Energy, Högskolan i Östersund 1991
- European Patent Attorney
- Authorised Patent Attorney (Sweden)
- EPI (European Patent Institute)
- LES (Licensing Executives Society)
- SFIR (Swedish Association for the Protection of Industrial Property)